As business owners, we depend on our websites to help us connect with our clients and customers. Just think about what would happen if when you got to work Monday morning, that your website was gone! There are any number of reasons this could happen, from hardware failures to human error. WordPress sites are a database driven content management system (CMS), which means that even though it is a relatively simple system to use, the back end is quite complicated and there are many potential points of failure. This is why having better backups is so important!
It is estimated that 40% of small to medium businesses do not back up their data on a regular basis.
While your web developer may still have the original site files, you have probably made many changes to your site since then. Having proper backups will reflect these changes. It would be a nightmare trying to rebuild your site all over again. If you allow comments on your blog, those would all be lost as well, thereby losing much of your user generated content.
Additionally, if you have a proper backup, in the event of catastrophe, you will be able to get your site up and running again much quicker than if you had to rebuild from scratch. Think of the lost revenue during the down time! Not to mention SEO ramifications from your site suddenly disappearing from Google.
Another point to think about is protection from malware and hacking. WordPress is the dominant CMS today, and as such, is also targeted by hackers to an alarming rate. Google blacklists between 9,500 and 10,000 websites a day. If your site gets hacked and Google blacklists your domain it is going to be difficult to get back on their good graces again.
The best way to keep your site from getting hacked is to keep your website updated to the latest release of WordPress and to have a very strong password and username for your administrator account.
I don’t know about you, but not having a good backup plan is something that sits in the back of my mind and keeps me feeling just a little more uneasy than I like. Piece of mind is a very nice benefit of having your data backed up and is one less thing to keep me awake at night. Like I need any more!
If you would like any help in implementing a backup solution, please contact me today.